‘Forefront of Your Needs’

Platinum Living Care's Adult services is specialised to support and setup for individuals aged between 18 and 65 years, with Learning Disability to provide a safe, warm and supportive home, giving you the opportunity to live a more independent life, towards becoming an active member of the community.
We are committed to enable individuals to participate in all aspects of a 'supported living' framework with an intensive 24/7 support package.
Through our settings, your care is personalised and centred on your needs. You will have your own personal space within the home, added option to choose how you decorate.
Furthermore, Platinum Living Care offer short hold and long- term tenancies for those leaving hospitals, who are ready to move on from short-stay supported housing and individuals who without appropriate housing support would be at risk of illness. We also provide permanent accommodation for those living with learning disabilities.
Referrals are accepted from the housing options team, social services, probation, police and drug interventions programs, CMHT, CLDT and other agencies, including supported housing providers who will help identify suitable applicants.
At Platinum Living Care we consider clients group diagnosed with:
Dual diagnosis
All types of schizophrenia-personality disorder
Autism and Asperger syndrome
All part of Depression and anxiety
Obsessive compulsive Disorder
Challenging Behaviours
Learning Difficulties
Addictive disorder (alcoholism, drug addition, gambling addition, sex addition)